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If you have a question that you would like other Lost fans to answer simply fill out the form below or email me via the contact button in the header, include your Poll Question and possible answers. Each poll can only be voted by a person once. Note: Similar or Duplicate polls will not be posted or may be merged with other similar ones. Inappropriate Polls will be deleted.
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Same to me
What scene from The End is the most iconic for you? | LOST Polls · 8 months ago
Sayid is my ultimate favorite, but I'm also very fond of Desmond and James!
locke :)
I'm thinking of re-watching the series and maybe if I have time answering this again. And Hi, Greg.
LOST's greatest defining spiritual affect on me has been... · 4 years ago
Indeed. :)
PS: Hi also to DarkUFO. Long time buddy. :)
LOST's greatest defining spiritual affect on me has been... · 4 years ago